Publishing open access allows anyone to access and read your work - increasing its visibility and potential impact

Understand your options

You have options for making your work open access:

The Open Access Publishing guide has tips on how to navigate this process.

If you have additional questions or concerns about open access, please contact Robin N Sinn, Director, Collections & Open Strategies.

Help covering open access publishing charges

Some publishers make your work open by default, while others ask for a fee to publish open access.

You can search for journals that don't charge fees through the Directory of Open Access Journals.

For other publishers, the library may have an agreement to cover open access fees for ISU authors.

Open Access Agreements

The current list of publishers we have agreements with is in the following table. For publishers we do not have agreements with, authors can request funding through Publication Subvention Grants.


Our agreements only cover open access publishing fees not other fees related to publishing, such as page overage charges or color charges.  

Only current students, staff or paid/emeritus faculty are covered by the agreements. Students who graduate before their article is published should list an advisor or other ISU-affiliated researcher as the corresponding or co-corresponding author to avoid disqualification.

Open access agreements for help covering publishing costs at Iowa State University
PublisherEligible AuthorsPublications
American Chemical Society (ACS)ISU Corresponding AuthorACS hybrid journals (one article per ISU corresponding author each calendar year; applies to submissions made after Jan 1, 2025)
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) All ISU AuthorsMost ASME journals (except the ASME Open Journal of Engineering; applies to submissions made after Jan 1, 2025)
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)ISU Corresponding AuthorAll ACM journals, conference proceedings, and magazines
Biochemical Society (Portland Press)ISU Corresponding AuthorAll seven Biochemical Society journals
Cambridge University PressISU Corresponding AuthorAll CUP journals (does not cover select article types; see covered article types)
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory PressISU Corresponding AuthorMost CSH journals (except CSH Perspectives in Biology, CSH Perspectives in Medicine, and CSH Protocols.)
Company of BiologistsISU Corresponding AuthorAll Company of Biologists journals
CopernicusISU Corresponding AuthorAll Copernicus journals
De GruyterISU Corresponding AuthorAll hybrid De Gruyter journals
FrontiersISU Corresponding AuthorAll Frontiers journals (up to two articles per corresponding author each calendar year)
F1000 ResearchISU Corresponding AuthorAll F1000 Research publications
Institute of Physics (IOP)ISU Corresponding AuthorSome IOP Journals (Lists A, B, C, and D on this page)
IntechOpenISU Corresponding AuthorAll ITO book chapters, journal articles, and short-form monographs (covers $1,000, any remaining costs may be covered)
International Water Association Publishing (IWA)All ISU AuthorsAll S2O journals
JMIR PublicationsISU Corresponding AuthorAll JMIR publications (covers $1,000, any remaining costs may be covered)
John BenjaminsISU Corresponding AuthorAll John Benjamins journals (research articles, reviews and introductory articles submitted after January 1, 2025)
Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community DevelopmentAll ISU AuthorsAll JAFSCD articles
Microbiology SocietyISU Corresponding AuthorAll Microbiology Society journals
Open Library of HumanitiesAll AuthorsAll OLH publications
Oxford University PressISU Corresponding AuthorNearly all OUP journals (except European Heart Journal Supplements.)
PeerJCorresponding or Admin AuthorAll PeerJ journals
Public Library of Science (PLOS)ISU Corresponding AuthorAll PLOS journals
Punctum BooksAll AuthorsAll Punctum publications
Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)ISU Corresponding AuthorAll hybrid RSC journals
The Royal SocietyISU Corresponding AuthorAll Royal Society journals
WileyISU Responsible Corresponding AuthorAll hybrid and full OA Wiley journals

Discounts Currently in Place

In addition to our full agreements, authors may get a discount on publishing open access with the following publishers.

Discounts for publishing open access at Iowa State University
PublisherEligible AuthorsDiscountPublications
American Chemical Society (ACS)ISU Corresponding Author$250Hybrid ACS Journals (This discount stacks with personal ACS membership discounts.)
LuminosISU Corresponding Author10%All Luminos monograh publishing
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)All ISU Authors10%All MDPI journals