APEX (Academic Program for Excellence) students at Iowa State University participated in a summer workshop on Aug. 6 at Parks Library to get prepared and motivated to get prepared and motivated for the upcoming semester. The workshop’s highlight was a hands-on bullet journaling activity, where students created personalized journals to help them organize their thoughts, schedule tasks, and set academic goals.
Students were enthusiastic about the impact of the workshop. One participant shared that the bullet journaling exercise taught them "how to schedule, organize, prioritize, and keep track of tasks." Another student valued the opportunity to connect with library staff, saying, "Meeting the librarians and knowing that there is one for my exact college and area of study was very useful."
Facilitated by library outreach specialist Jenni Diaz Garcia, along with Eric Schares and Jeff Alger, subject librarians, and Michelle Zhai, research data education specialist, the workshop introduced students to key library resources and staff who can support their academic journey.
“This workshop is a wonderful example of what the library seeks to offer campus partners to solidify connections, and I’m happy to be in a position to do so,” Diaz Garcia noted.
As the event concluded, students were inspired to return to the library, equipped with new tools and knowledge to enhance their academic success at Iowa State University.