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Spring Monday Monologues performances announced

Author: Susan Gent

retro microphone, Monday Monologues

Stop by Monday Monologues this spring to hear student voices shared through song and poetry. Performers serenade campus from the steps of Parks Library over the lunch hour.  

April 14 | 12:15 p.m. on the steps in front of Parks Library

Cantamus, Lyrica, and Count Me In 

The official ISU treble voice choirs will sing a mix of modern music from the American Pop Charts to Finland, Sweden, and Canada. 

April 21 |12:15 p.m. on the steps in front of Parks Library

Jubilee Gospel Choir 

The group will perform gospel and other genres derived from gospel like jazz and R&B.  

April 28 | 12:15 p.m. on the stps in front of Parks Library

University Library and the departments of English and World Languages and Cultures present the “Favorite Poem Project” (a National Poetry Month event).  

Everyone is invited to read a cherished published poem and tell those gathered why it’s personally important. 

Need help selecting a poem? There will be books of poetry on hand.   

Grab lunch and a friend and enjoy these presentations by members of the Iowa State community.