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LIB 1600 gets a reboot

Author: Yen Verhoeven and Kate Garretson


Introduction to College-Level Research received a major upgrade over the summer thanks to instruction librarians in the Research and Instruction Department in the University Library. Now known as LIB 1600, the course features new images, content layouts, and concepts—such as how and when to appropriately use artificial intelligence (AI) tools during the research process. 

An AI generated cartoon image of a cardinal wearing a gold sweatshirt. Talk bubble says "Let's talk about LIB 1600 Intro to College-Level Research

The Library Instruction Unit will offer a virtual tour of the new course content and design at 11 a.m., on Sept. 11, 2024. Faculty and staff are encouraged to come and see how the course material lays the foundation for students’ academic success at ISU. The tour will highlight how the course continues its mission to introduce all undergraduate students to the world of academia by giving them a bird’s-eye view of the basic research process. LIB 1600 spans topics like formulating a research question, locating reliable sources, and critically evaluating information.  

The virtual tour will conclude with a discussion on how LIB 1600--and the University Library--can collaborate with faculty to support and enhance other courses at ISU. The discussion will focus on ways instructors can encourage assignment rigor while providing student support through common terminology and resources that can be integrated directly into Canvas courses.

Subscribe to the University Library YouTube channel, as this workshop will be recorded and uploaded as soon as possible.